This is very cute. I was tagged by my sweetie in Oregon, Megan Conser: http://meganeconser.spaces.live.com.
And I honestly don't think I can come up with 7 random facts about myself that she doesn't know but here goes nothing....
1. When I was in Jr. High I wanted to only adopt 5 children. The oldest was white boy, Brigham LaMar, then an African-American girl, an asian boy, a blonde white girl, Emma Ruth, with a girl of eastern european descent as the youngest. I had a sketch card from a charity group (UNICEF or something) that I kept on my bedroom mirror until college because they seemed like the perfect family to me.
2. I count steps because I want to be prepared for when I go blind, childhood habit.
3. For YEARS I thought bi-racial people were called Mandarins because when I was in the first grade I had a friend who was bi-racial with very curly BRIGHT ORANGE hair. And when I talked about him my mom must have called him the old fashion term "mulatto" (remember this is the 70's) and I mis-heard her as having said mandarin which made sense to me because his hair was the same color as mandarin oranges.
4. Even though I grew up on planes, now that I have children I am terrified of flying alone and dying leaving them motherless. I just plead when I have to do it that nothing will happen to me. If we're all together I'm much more relaxed because then no one has to be left behind. Kinda creepy?
5. My favorite "sick time" movie is Clue with
Tim Curry. It is very relaxing for me to watch. And I'm still counting figures in every scene trying to remember who was where, when.
6. Monopoly is my favorite game but when I'm not doing well I start to have panic attacks because it becomes too life like and I can't handle the pressure.
7. When I grow up I want to be an accomplished gardener with lush overgrown English gardens and stone walk-ways.
8. Um...I'm kind of eccentric... oh wait! you already knew that....
TAG, YOU'RE IT! (I don't know if I should tag my sisters because I'm not sure I want to know what I don't know about them...hee hee)
1: Nicole Kinnunen: http://iapet.us/nicole/index.shtml
2: Julie Gates http://juliemoyer-gates.blogspot.com/
3. KayLyn Wescoatt and kids http://wkidsgang.com
4. Loralee Choate (who is a professional blogger so I don't expect her to post this on her blog but maybe she could do a list in my comment section as her dear old friend) http://loraleeslooneytunes.com/
5. Jana Brown: http://jimandjana.blogspot.com/
Oh I give up, I have limited friends and lots of sisters which actually puts me over the 7 count.
6. Tiana Gates: http://randomgates.blogspot.com/
7. Allison Taurence http://acat16b.blogspot.com/
8. Meghan Elison http://paganmeghan.blogspot.com/