Of course I should have been prepared for the end of my son's sports career when he asked me a few weeks ago what a jock is. "Mom, what's a jock?" "Hmmm, well a jock is a boy or girl who likes to play sports a lot usually outside, like your cousin Spencer". "Oh, ok, I'm a jock" "No, honey, playing video games inside doesn't count" "I AM a jock! I like to play frisbee!!" Ah, clue number one your child is destined to be president of the Audio/Visual Club.
But we have been enjoying the Olympics in Beijing safely from our couch.
I'm going to try to add video of Mena and Jacob dancing to the music from Sunday night's women's floor exercises. As you can see Jacob is doing much better and thank you all for notes, calls and cards we really appreciate your thinking of us.
ok I can't figure out the video aspect of my camera so here's a picture of someone that is not me.
Maria Valentina: U.S. Fencing...um, not me.
You crack me up... president of the audio/visual club... I will be laughing at that one for a while. This only means he will get into a very successful career and enjoy frisbee on his off time.
let's hope! maybe he'll provide the retirement plan, we can't seem to get on top of.
Oh no, Mr. Financial Planner, we have our money well invested in our son who will be forced to carry us in our incontinent years.
:-) Welcome home!
My kids were dancing around when the women were doing the floor excercises too! Sounds like Jacob is doing better!
Maybe he'll be the Captain of the Disc Golf team... That might qualify him as a jock, as long as it becomes a varsity sport to earn his "letter" (or whatever those things are).
I have a spotty viewing of the Olympics from home. You know me and sports. However, the audio/visual club thing was HILARIOUS
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