I'm completely memorized by this blogger I was led to by my favorite little crackerjack Loralee at looneytunes.com (look left at the blogs I follow). Yes, I like to brag that "I knew Mistress Tunes when". Lo was my first roommate at USU and one of the shining stars in my universe. But you know that, right? So, like, I only talk about her ALL the time. Well on her blog today she is wearing a t-shirt sent to her by a fellow blogger TAMN.
Anyway, look left again and you'll see I added TAMN today. She is the only non-friend/family blogger on my list. Why would I add a stranger to my family blog, you ask? Because I "KNOW" her, and scary, I think I may be her in another dimension. Except not the cool, thin, FABULOUS her. But the elastic pant band, frazzled hair, scary her. The one who actually DOES have a family blog for journal purposes. You know, just so I don't have to write long hand and still follow the prophets' admonitions to write our personal history.
TAMN is a fictional Utah, young, 1st time "Mo-mom" (Mormon uber mother)who shames even the most seasoned LDS Relief Society presidents and Enrichment leaders. The real author hides her genius behind anonymity. Now you don't have to be a Latter-day Saint to appreciate her but the levels of glee and recognizable embarrassment definitely is increased.
So for example...this excerpt comes from her October 13th post (it made me laugh so hard I cried and peed at the same time, REALLY!)
...I started asking this other preggo chica there if she was nervy about labor. Not to be rude but she was seriously HUGE so I figured she was due like next week, only suprise, we're the same amount of weeks.
Um, awkward. Not to mention SAD.
We're way close of friends but things got a little weird when I said next time I'd make us sushi (which I do way well, but I didn't say that) and she said "Um, I don't know if you know this but your not supposed to eat sushi while you're preggo." Thanks, downer. So I said "Um, I don't know if you know this but your not supposed to be so huge." I smiled after so she knew not to take it personal, but she still bawled her head off and I about died.
I meant it nice, you guys!! Didn't mean it RUDE. She's super darling (at least, she use to be) and we're way close so I was suprised she got so ticked. But, it worked out good bc I was able to use my patient response to her lame preggo hormone overreaction as an example of forgiveness, which "just so happened" was the YW lesson! SO greatful for the empathy I was able to take away from that experience. I mean, can't rilly blame her for crying. Guess it isn't very fair for her since she's double my bigness and I'm double her cuteness.
Read her. Love her! And if anyone is looking for Christmas gift ideas for me, each t-shirt on her site is now on my wish list.
Ok. Started reading TAMN. Cracked me up!
funny, right!?
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