Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Our May Celebration.

To begin with...thank you Uncle Mike W. for helping us buy our new camera with your Sears discount! We left for Piscataway, NJ early Friday morning (2:45 a.m.) so as to finally meet our new little cousin Ian Yowpa and to celebrate his Grandpa's, Uncle John's, graduation from Rutgers University and his retirement.Before the party began on Saturday Phil, the kids, and I went and walked around campus a little bit. The day was beautiful and the flowers were so pretty that we took some time to have a family photo op with our new camera.

What a beautiful day!

The party began at 2 pm and boy did we party!

Here's Mena being adored by Uncle Johns' niece, Erica with her sister Elizabeth looking on.

On Sunday we went into NYC to have brunch with an old D.C. friend, Kelly. It was so nice that we walked all the way from Penn Station to "The Diner" in Chelsea. After we ate Kelly joined us and we walked back up to Times Square where there was a street festival. We ended the afternoon in Central Park for a sit in the shade. Phil says it was one of the nicest days he's ever spent in the city and we wished we had an extra day to just be tourists. When the kids are older we'll have to take a week to visit the museums and eat at fun restaurants.
We loved our short trip and look forward to seeing more family and the other coast in just 2.5 short weeks. This is the year of vacations from sea to shining sea. Stay tuned for the further adventures of the W's.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Fremont Purse Snatch - The 411

So on Friday morning I receive a call from a Mrs. Williamson (who sounds well into her 2nd century) and she has been passed one of my stolen checks. A guy who she describes as a hillbilly, had done some yard work for her last summer, stopped by and asked for more work. She said she hadn't any but he pestered her until she found a job for him. He then came by the next day and told her that he had overcharged her and would like to write her a check for the difference and would he mind if he added on $10-$20 for cash because he wasn't able to make it to the bank that day.
Needless to say she did and when she went to the bank she was told it was bad. She found our number and called me letting me know she had one of my stolen checks. The very low functioning criminal also gave her a name and number in case she had any more odd jobs to be done. Well I am now hot on his trail and Officer Dickey is bringing him in for questioning this week as well as being able to get surveillance video from another bank in which he tried to use a check. That's right baby, mess with this heffer and you get the udders!

Now for the silver lining to my story this week, oh yes, you've heard the rumors...they're back!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Well, I'd love to post pictures of Jacob's and my date day on Saturday but I can't.

Today I was trying to be eco-friendly, so Mena and I walked to the grocery store with coupons, list and tote bags in hand. I'm proud to say that by using coupons and in-store savings I was able to shave $33 dollars off my bill. I'm ashamed to say that I have cost us more than $300 to have our car towed to the dealership to have new EXPENSIVE electronic keys programmed, the cancellation fee for the remainder of the checks in my checkbook, new locks for my mom's house since my ID has her address on it still, and my new digital camera with Jake's date photos. All because my purse was stolen off an empty check-out lane while I loaded my bags in the bottom of sleeping Mena's stroller.

I'm devastated.

I have cancelled everything. I filed a police report. And I have been crying so long my eyes are puffy and sore. But more than the money or inconvenience. I'm inconsolable over the loss of photos when I had been telling myself all morning to get those pics downloaded.

So just imagine, if you will, that this week's post was suppose to be about a mother/son outing where Jacob mini-golfed for the first time. He was adorable and so proud of his par 9's in which he told me to just watch him and I could be just as good. Memories-priceless.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Happy Early Mother's Day To Me

It will be 3 years on May 23rd that I have to do 2-3 loads of dishes by hand per day! My hands are cracked and bleeding but I am DONE! !! My beloved sweet hubbie (with very little cajoling, really, it was only a few mentions per day) has bought me a brand new Whirlpool dishwasher. Is this what love at first sight feels like? I had no idea there were corners of the U.S. where dishwashers were not standard in the average house in town. Me and my big city ways....Well my very handy brother-in-law Ron did the install assisted by DH. While Emily and I watched, gossiped and ate, as the children ran barefoot in the grass. It was a good day for all. Enjoy the pics and please don't be too jealous of the Walt the white Whirlpool...envy just isn't good for the soul. :-)

Happy Mother

Friday, May 2, 2008

Same Night

Thought I should post a pic of Jacob too. He's awesome and fun but has many more scrapbooks dedicated to him than Mena so this medium might be a little more daughter centered.

All homework and no bloggin' makes mommy outta touch...

This is my Mena spring 2007. Isn't she just the most beautiful?! The pic is a year old but I Iwanted to get my blog up and running again since I've never actually used it even though I created it almost two years ago. What can I say? Keeping up with Jones' blog hasn't really been a priority as of late. But here I am. I'm going to make it a goal to post on Sundays. So anytime you want to catch up with the Wylykanowitz's you'll know where to find us.
Here's a shout out to Loralee, Tiana, and Julie who have reminded me to keep on keepin' on!


About Me

My photo
Ohio, United States
Just a mom, doing mom things, thinkin' mom thoughts and wishin' I could look like the models in the Lands End catalog. Except without dieting, exercising, or giving up 3 hour naps.