We thought we had a name but now I'm no longer sure. So all the names posted on the left are still in the running. And I'm being sincere when I say I am poring over all of them and my baby name book. I think this one may be a wait and see situation. Yesterday I had a brainstorm. "Phil! What about Matilda Ruth and calling her Tillie?!" Uh, that was a no go. So feel free to let me know if you are having any inspiration.
But on July 29, 2009 I will be hosting my own 35th birthday party at the Wood County Hospital in Bowling Green, Ohio. Most of you know I'm kind of a quiet birthday gal but there will be streamers and balloons, cake and ice cream for all who would like to come meet our sweet little one.
I am posting the photos of all the babies born by my fellow bloggers/friends/family thus far in 2009:
The year started with my cousin, Sharon Pearson's 5th child, Jaiden Pearson (also shown with 4th child/2nd daughter Valencia):
and our friends from Portland (now in Blackfoot Idaho) Heather and Tim Goodworth welcomed their third daughter Meg:
Then came Kathryn Conser. My dear friend Megan, from Portland, gave birth in February to her third child/second daugher:
Last Tuesday, Aaron Choate was born to my USU roommate, long time friend and blogging celebrity, Loralee. This is her fourth son and baby:

Yet to come in 2009 are:
Collin Knapp (#2) to my sister Allison - due date 7/27/09
Baby Gates (#3) to my other Portland bosom buddy, Julie Moyer-Gates- due date 10/09
Baby Resek (#2) to my LA/DC roommate Adrianne (Smart) Resek and if it wasn't for her I would never have moved East and met my sweet Charlie Brown- due date 10/09
Baby Webb (#3) to my sweetheart Paula (Yokum) Webb - due date 12/09
Baby Kinnunen (#2) to one of my very oldest and dearest friends, Nicole (Coloff) Kinnunen-12/09
I keep a scrapbook page at the end of each year for annual baby announcements I think 2009 is going to bring us a bumper crop!
P.S. I stole these photos from their blogs which can be found to the left. If you would like to see more pics of their little darlings just click and enjoy!