Tuesday, October 21, 2008

IMPORTANT! This requires a second post today!

I'm completely memorized by this blogger I was led to by my favorite little crackerjack Loralee at looneytunes.com (look left at the blogs I follow). Yes, I like to brag that "I knew Mistress Tunes when". Lo was my first roommate at USU and one of the shining stars in my universe. But you know that, right? So, like, I only talk about her ALL the time. Well on her blog today she is wearing a t-shirt sent to her by a fellow blogger TAMN.

Anyway, look left again and you'll see I added TAMN today. She is the only non-friend/family blogger on my list. Why would I add a stranger to my family blog, you ask? Because I "KNOW" her, and scary, I think I may be her in another dimension. Except not the cool, thin, FABULOUS her. But the elastic pant band, frazzled hair, scary her. The one who actually DOES have a family blog for journal purposes. You know, just so I don't have to write long hand and still follow the prophets' admonitions to write our personal history.

TAMN is a fictional Utah, young, 1st time "Mo-mom" (Mormon uber mother)who shames even the most seasoned LDS Relief Society presidents and Enrichment leaders. The real author hides her genius behind anonymity. Now you don't have to be a Latter-day Saint to appreciate her but the levels of glee and recognizable embarrassment definitely is increased.

So for example...this excerpt comes from her October 13th post (it made me laugh so hard I cried and peed at the same time, REALLY!)

...I started asking this other preggo chica there if she was nervy about labor. Not to be rude but she was seriously HUGE so I figured she was due like next week, only suprise, we're the same amount of weeks.

Um, awkward. Not to mention SAD.

We're way close of friends but things got a little weird when I said next time I'd make us sushi (which I do way well, but I didn't say that) and she said "Um, I don't know if you know this but your not supposed to eat sushi while you're preggo." Thanks, downer. So I said "Um, I don't know if you know this but your not supposed to be so huge." I smiled after so she knew not to take it personal, but she still bawled her head off and I about died.

I meant it nice, you guys!! Didn't mean it RUDE. She's super darling (at least, she use to be) and we're way close so I was suprised she got so ticked. But, it worked out good bc I was able to use my patient response to her lame preggo hormone overreaction as an example of forgiveness, which "just so happened" was the YW lesson! SO greatful for the empathy I was able to take away from that experience. I mean, can't rilly blame her for crying. Guess it isn't very fair for her since she's double my bigness and I'm double her cuteness.

Read her. Love her! And if anyone is looking for Christmas gift ideas for me, each t-shirt on her site is now on my wish list.

Just a couple of cholesterol cuties....

Dear Fellow Moms/Friends/Family Members With Nothing Better To Think About,
How are you today? Have you heard this one?

So what do a two moms, one who does not gamble because of religous leanings, do when they want free money but do not want to lend support to state education institutions by purchasing lottery tickets? They eat McD's until they have to hurl. Oh! Did you guess it was me? Well me and my sister Allison.

Here's the deal. We just know that we are going to find a Board Walk game piece in the next week and a half and split $1 million dollars! If you would like to get in on this action we are calling for all game pieces that you would normally just throw out anyway. We are willing to share with anyone who mails theirs to us. But remember, they are due November 3rd. So if you want in on this little project they have to be to us by the 2nd.

Wait! Stop laughing!!! We're going to win and we aren't sharing ANY of it with you if you keep pointing and giggling. Sheesh. Who'll be the loser then?

the very rich,
cholesterol cuties

Friday, October 17, 2008

Is there really a depression?

This is just quick blog today. It's more of a reaction to my girlfriend's blog about budgeting (check out Meagan's blog on my list). I commented on her site but I think this is something we are all thinking about it. Especially with Christmas coming on. How do we handle the money we have as well as that which may start coming in more slowly. Please respond here with any great ideas you have for making Christmas special not spendy!

Part of me, admittedly a sick part, has always had this romantic notion of the depression from the 1930's. Having to be scrappers and hardworking. I love movies like The Cinderella Man, Annie, etc. I use to ask my grandparents about what it was like for them when they were growing up during the bottom of the depression. And I liked how creative they had to be to accomplish their needs let alone their wants.

I was listening to NPR the other day and there was a story of a woman who is married with three kids of their own and the guardianship of her sister's three who has passed away. Her husband is in construction in Las Vegas, and business is slowing down, and she recently has lost her job. They were featuring her because with her hair down in a clean ponytail and clean clothes she was panhandling on the freeway off-ramp to pay their, $650-something, electric bill. I really don't believe severe tragedy is our determined future. But I do believe that now is the time to be smart with our resources until this is worked out.

I'm a mom who's trying to stay-at-home. When I'm done with school I won't be above working midnights at a care home or taking care of kids in my house to stay here until the youngest is in kindergarten and I go back for a masters. But as a SAH I realize that my job is not to bring money in, but to utilize all of my talents in keeping it. I pore over grocery ads, and coupons, doing a little shopping all the time with where my driving routes take me. I also have been very thankful this summer that I live in walking and biking distance to just about anywhere I have to go in town. I try to not have the t.v. and computer on at the same time and am vigilant with lights (energy efficient of course) and heat/AC that's what clothes and windows are for! I'm realizing how hard it really can be. I think about our budget all the time. The first things I'd like to get rid of would be our cable. I hate how much time is suffocated by the t.v. I'd like to be better about utilizing our library for movies. If it wasn't for keeping in touch with you guys I frankly would do away with the Internet as well. Of course...hmmm....well I'll come back to that. Who would like to start writing letters with me? It's fun to get snail mail sometimes, right?!

As I was reading Meg's blog and thinking about this topic Jacob came up to me, "Mom, what's for dinner?" Phil's in So.Cal. and I've been trying to keep the kids occupied. Swimming at the YMCA yesterday (free and in walking distance)/Halloween specials on cable ($3.87/day) tomorrow a trip to the pumpkin patch for games and pumpkin buying/painting (approx. $8 plus gas) and dinner at Grandma's. Tonight I planned on a trip down the frozen crap aisle with a movie rental, not big money but bigger than we usually do on an average friday night; especially frozen food which I think is pure garbage and in someways worse than drive-thru. Kid Cuisine? Are you kidding me? It has more fat and sodium than a plain hamburger at McDonald's with apple dippers which my kids, LOVE! Of course that's why Jacob thinks Kid Cuisine is so wonderful.

I digress, when I offered the frozen aisle this was his reply. "I KNOW! How about PBJ's?!" Ahhhh, I love that kid, and I think we'll be taking a little trip to the library as well.

Just a little stream of consciousness for you this morning, not really so quick. :-)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

My Sweetheart

Most of you know how Phil and I met and married. If you are reading this blog with any regularity you are probably close family and/or friends and don't need to have our funny song and dance act shoved down your throat ONCE AGAIN!

But I thought I'd take some space and just remind myself, him,and all of you, how much I love him.

Yesterday, my sister Allison had an all day crop at her house and it was a blast! 8 hours of gossip, food, and crafting. Phil then had 10 hours of quality father time. Lately, he's been having a lot of that. You might say, well of course, he IS the other half of their DNA! But it goes beyond that. He really looks for ways to serve me out of love. Sometimes the effort is a hit and sometimes it's a miss. But it's always done with the right intention and many times I'm not appreciative enough of that.

Unfortunately, marriage in our culture isn't given the respect that it deserves. I'm grateful for my marriage and the companionship that I share with my sweetheart. He is my intimate on so many levels. We share inside jokes, our thoughts on world headlines as well as opinions that sometimes have to be held close to the vest in most social situations, we share fears, embarrassments and bitterness. It's all there, laid bare on the table and I still love him and more importantly, today I'm secure in knowing he still loves me too. And I'm grateful.

I love you honey, happy 6 1/2 years!

Friday, October 3, 2008

TAG - I'm it!

This is very cute. I was tagged by my sweetie in Oregon, Megan Conser: http://meganeconser.spaces.live.com.

And I honestly don't think I can come up with 7 random facts about myself that she doesn't know but here goes nothing....

1. When I was in Jr. High I wanted to only adopt 5 children. The oldest was white boy, Brigham LaMar, then an African-American girl, an asian boy, a blonde white girl, Emma Ruth, with a girl of eastern european descent as the youngest. I had a sketch card from a charity group (UNICEF or something) that I kept on my bedroom mirror until college because they seemed like the perfect family to me.

2. I count steps because I want to be prepared for when I go blind, childhood habit.

3. For YEARS I thought bi-racial people were called Mandarins because when I was in the first grade I had a friend who was bi-racial with very curly BRIGHT ORANGE hair. And when I talked about him my mom must have called him the old fashion term "mulatto" (remember this is the 70's) and I mis-heard her as having said mandarin which made sense to me because his hair was the same color as mandarin oranges.

4. Even though I grew up on planes, now that I have children I am terrified of flying alone and dying leaving them motherless. I just plead when I have to do it that nothing will happen to me. If we're all together I'm much more relaxed because then no one has to be left behind. Kinda creepy?

5. My favorite "sick time" movie is Clue with Tim Curry. It is very relaxing for me to watch. And I'm still counting figures in every scene trying to remember who was where, when.

6. Monopoly is my favorite game but when I'm not doing well I start to have panic attacks because it becomes too life like and I can't handle the pressure.

7. When I grow up I want to be an accomplished gardener with lush overgrown English gardens and stone walk-ways.

8. Um...I'm kind of eccentric... oh wait! you already knew that....

TAG, YOU'RE IT! (I don't know if I should tag my sisters because I'm not sure I want to know what I don't know about them...hee hee)

1: Nicole Kinnunen: http://iapet.us/nicole/index.shtml
2: Julie Gates http://juliemoyer-gates.blogspot.com/
3. KayLyn Wescoatt and kids http://wkidsgang.com
4. Loralee Choate (who is a professional blogger so I don't expect her to post this on her blog but maybe she could do a list in my comment section as her dear old friend) http://loraleeslooneytunes.com/
5. Jana Brown: http://jimandjana.blogspot.com/

Oh I give up, I have limited friends and lots of sisters which actually puts me over the 7 count.

6. Tiana Gates: http://randomgates.blogspot.com/
7. Allison Taurence http://acat16b.blogspot.com/
8. Meghan Elison http://paganmeghan.blogspot.com/


About Me

My photo
Ohio, United States
Just a mom, doing mom things, thinkin' mom thoughts and wishin' I could look like the models in the Lands End catalog. Except without dieting, exercising, or giving up 3 hour naps.