Well, my dad was in town last week to help us put in our first garden. Poor guy, he was as sick as a dog the whole time. But he persevered even when I asked him to just go in and rest. That's the macho man in him but I wish he hadn't felt so lousy.
We're calling this our practice garden. We've planted potatoes, corn, cherry tomatoes, big tomatoes, eggplants, green beans, peas and carrots. I thought I had a big area but it sure got smaller as my paths between veggies became tighter.
I love my house. It's not big but it feels like the right size for us. I love my yard because I have so much dreaming room. This time of year I check out loads of gardening and landscaping books that I pore over. But in the end I only have the time and money for one new project, and this year it's the vegetable patch. I did buy 2 hanging pots and impatiens from daughters of friends that were a fundraiser. But that's just my usual spring, curbside appeal, planting. And so I still have the library books and dreaming of next year's project. I'm thinking it's going to have to be my made from scratch patio planters and bench. I've been waiting on those for awhile.